Short notes from my social media posts (Collection 2)

Tidbits collected from my facebook posts:


What if there is an app that would analyse my past posts on social media and continue posting like that after I am gone? Post a comment on a movie, post a few songs, some quotes from old or new books. Would I be considered 'alive' in any sense? I certainly would seem alive to some of my 700+ friends who may not be aware of the truth.

If this is not enough to be termed alive though, would a person's memory and thoughts uploaded to a computer program be called 'alive', even if it seems to function and give proper outputs? We can never judge consciousness from the outside so discovering if that program experiences a sense of living may always be out of our reach.

August 2016 

(wrote this before seeing the blackmirror tv episode on the same concept).


Being comfortable with ambiguity is more important than ever now. Society, politics and gender roles are in a constant turmoil.
You do not have to place yourself in a map. You do not need to be a part of a big story arc like others. No one knows any better. Take Bruce Lee's advice and be like water: adopt, adjust and improve.

July 2014


Life feels like it's on autopilot nowadays. As if I am only catching onto a few glimpses as the years fly by.

January 2016


When a cute couple suddenly stops posting on facebook, I miss saying 'awwh' to their posts. I scroll down their timeline to see if they are at least liking each other's posts... secretly rooting for them to be back together again.

December 2014


Hurt people hurt people.
But that's not reason enough to tolerate them
November 2014


"It's very difficult not to be manipulative and needy. Every honest glimpse of vulnerability can be a bait for validation, every selfless favor can be attached with hidden expectations."; so he hummed the mantra, "I'm a mess, and that's okay."

October 2014


"Words don't win people. People win people."

October 2014


The rule is simple: stop thinking about stuff that thinking won't help. Get things done one at a time and see the world change slowly but surely.

October 2014


We have different amount of patience for different people. For some it lasts a year and some use up all the patience in a week and then get jharified constantly. 

September 2014


I see an intriguing photo on my newsfeed.
"That's great." I click to enlarge it and try to find the like button.
Only to realize that I have already liked it before.
"Why don't I remember anything about this then?" :(
Who are we without our memories?

August 2014