Unsought Wisdom Series. Episode 3. Power.

ক্ষমতা তা-ই, যার অপব্যবহার সম্ভব।

There is no empowerment without the risk of it being abused. Power by its very nature is prone to being used in unpredictable ways. Of course, all granted power have their own scopes and limitations, but even a support staff who makes tea at your organization, has some discretion over how he or she gets things done.

One can try to set up checkpoints and protocols for all possible misuse of power, which is often a welcome step. But after a certain point, adding more rules and gatekeepers will make quick decisions impossible, halt innovation, and render the powerful—powerless.

Nurturing a culture of responsibility and shared values, rather than just introducing new protocols, can be much more potent at steadying the ship and balancing the power.

October 2021

#power #culture #innovation