On Failures

(Quoting from my LinkedIN)

I wanted to share a photo of myself at a podium today... all prepped and co-hosting an event. I'm postponing that because this feels more important.
The issue is the lack of visible "failures".
Our online presence only allows for success stories. Even if I write about a failure... it has to be the beginning of a success story or a redemption arc.

But that's not always the case in reality, right? Sometimes it isn't even a teachable moment. Sometimes, it's just me making the same mistake for the umpteenth time.

When everyone and everything is just going up and up... nothing really is up anymore. All white and all bright is not how a painting is made. Our lives have highlights and lowlights, brightness and darkness.

And I think it is very human. To err is human. To fail is human. Even if we are not using LinkedIn to share about our errors, and go silent when the darkness arrives, maybe it helps to remember that this phase — too — is part of the human experience.

And as for my event emceeing photo, I'll post that soon enough. 😊


23 September 2024