7 Weird Types of Bus Passengers in Dhaka (Who Can Also Be Entertaining at Times)

(The following has this probability of being more of a fiction than fact. So no one should take any offense.)

I am a frequent flyer of Dhaka city’s glorious bus service. In my experience of the past few years, I have grown accustomed to seeing some specific categories of passengers, some of whom are very weird. So here it goes, these people may appear in front of you only a few times, but if seen, they will remain in your memory forever.

1. Man in Women’s Sit: There are 9 restrictive seats in most buses only for women, children and the disabled. These are usually indicated with writings besides the seats that they are restricted. Mostly these are occupied by women, but sometimes there appear men who seem to be enjoying the bliss of ignorance by being completely oblivious to what is written just besides the seats where they sit. When notified to leave to give a woman her rights, a man of this category will usually not go down without making a fuss about it first. I have even seen some being asked if they were women dressed up like men before agreeing to move.

How to deal with him: He will come to senses eventually. Just keep your calm and let him know about the rules.

2. Rebel Woman: They are defined by their loud voice that sends a shudder through any man's spine. They are not afraid to make their voices heard about the fact that a lewd man is probably planning to push her and it is only because of her quick thinking and loud voice was she saved.

How to deal with her: Keep silent and move on. Don't you ever dare talk back with her.

3. Old student: this is a common scene in local buses. They want to give half the fare as regular passengers as they are 'students'. Government rule says that a student may travel at half price. But the only problem with these people is that some of them are old enough to have grandchildren. Well my guess is they are probably students of elderly education.

How to deal with him: No way man! He has no feelings. Whatever you say, he remains a student.

4. Two Sit King: You know whom I am talking about right? He will be sitting there taking up two seats of the three that are placed side by side. He will see that you are looking for a sit but will not allow any space. As if he is Jew and the sits are Jerusalem, he is reluctant to give up any part of the place he thinks is his by divine revelation.

How to deals with him: He will move only when you say it aloud in his ears.

5 and 6. Talkative Group and Chinese-Handset Guy: they want to make themselves heard, though most of us can't bear the sight of them, they still continue. One of these, the talkative group, get on the bus as a group and start talking among themselves about all things that we do not want to listen to but are forced to listen anyway. The other one, Chinese handset guy, is a music lover. He loves music so much that he can't help himself but play the songs aloud, be it of Momtaz or Metallica.

How to deal with them: try and enjoy what you hear. If you feel it is intolerable, scream at them till they stop.

7. Liar on phone: You know what I am talking about if you ever rode in a bus. The liar on phone usually lies about his location, and then we can tell that he is lying. But what about all the other lies? Who knows how many he or she is cheating with? Lying can become a habit, and things can get pretty dark.

How to deal with them: laugh out loud! Nothing to see here folks. Move on.