Alternate Universe Series. Post 4. Teleportation.

In this version of the universe, teleportation exists—meaning people can be transported from one location to the other without needing to traverse the space between them. However, this fact is a secret just guarded very tightly all around the world. Ever wondered how so many airplanes fly every day without crashing into one another? We'll here's the truth, they never fly to begin with. It is all a big illusion to hide what they truly do, teleportation. Each airplane is actually using all the fuel to transport people from one end of the globe to another in minutes. This is no easy magic, it is taught to only the bravest named pilots in wizarding school of pilots. What about the clouds you see from the window? Well, magic. And what about all the planes you see everyday, flying over our heads, also magic, illusions kept running for years so that no one questions the big airlines and their magical programs. Sometimes though, the spells go wrong, and everyone is teleported to some far off end of the planet, that's why it is so hard to find missing aircrafts, event with all of its trackers and GPS systems.